Today was similar to many
I went to work
and took the twins for a walk
I love to point out the trees to them
because I remind them every time, that God made that tree
first He created just a tiny seed
and then He grew it into that big huge tree
and in the same way, I tell them
He will grow them to be big and strong
(I remind myself too)
"He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ"
The trees are beginning to blossom
and there were some beautiful ones
we noticed while walking today
and then, rounding a corner
two ridiculous trees
side by side
with their old dead leaves from last year
still clinging to them
they'd been stubborn I guess
just didn't want to let go
they didn't look beautiful, even empty like some of the others
they just looked silly
i laughed at those trees
and i wondered at myself
when i pulled at a dead leaf, it didn't come off easily
the trees were still holding on
to a whole bunch of old dead leaves
when all around them was new life growing
didn't they know?
that to live, they'd have to die?
how quickly i forget
how tightly i cling
only the Father can bring new life
we can't hold on to life, or gifts, or blessings
they wither and dry up
like yesterday's manna
every day has to be a surrender
every fall has to be death
every gift has to be given back to the Giver
in gratefulness
in worship
'Do not call to mind the former things,
or ponder things of the past.
Behold, I will do something new,
now it will spring forth;
will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness
rivers in the desert.'