By Alanna
I was so blessed tonight to get to babysit the twins I used to nanny for. I spent 2 years with them, ending just before getting married last summer. I went through both the hardest and most beautiful transitions in my life while I knew them. Sometimes they were a painful reminder to me of things I had lost, and often they were a comfort when I needed a small person to hold and love. They live in a new house now, with a new nanny and bigger vocabularies. They seem so grown up to me. I have all these memories of them, and it turned out they had a few of me as well, although not many. Time erases young minds fast. Just when it was time for bed though, the girl asked me if I remembered how I used to sing them lullabies before bed. "Can you sing us the same one tonight? The one you used to sing us?" And I knew which one she meant, because it was the only truth I prayed they'd somehow hold on to. Out of all I ever taught them or showed them, I wanted them to know this.
Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin had left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow
I'm so thankful tonight. For His sacrifice, and for these special kids I've gotten to love and care for. I hope and even dare to believe that love and truth poured into a life, no matter how small, is never wasted.