By Mary
I've come across the phrase "bits and bobs" several times in the past few weeks, due mostly to refreshed correspondence with friends from other parts of the world--and it happens to describe perfectly the thoughts of my mind.
Like how I love the different shades of fall, pressed thickly one upon the other in a forest of trees or how I really don't mind having to take our dog for a walk every morning when I get to see a cotton candy sky of blue and pink above me.
Or how I wish my hair would grow long faster and how I have far too many doctor's appointments written on the calendar.
Or how I miss my friends and am thankful to have new ones here.
Or how the little parts of life can mean so much, and sometimes just making the most of what you have or don't have makes all the difference. And not just putting a good face on it, but appreciating the beautiful things and facing the things that bother me, maybe even making some space in my heart to be thankful for them as well. For that's the one lesson this week standing out to me clear as a star in a blue velvet sky: even in the things that seem smallest to my human mind, there's such great purpose, for there's always opportunity to be like Christ.
I'm realizing more every day that there's nothing bigger or better I could ever ask for than that.