It’s been one of those days: the kind after a long night of
cleaning up your dog’s vomit every 2 hours when you have no idea why she’s
getting sick.
The kind of morning when you try to lay back down for just a
little while longer after your husband goes to work ridiculously early yet
again (only to stay late once more) and you can’t sleep because you hear the
dog making that same horrid gagging sound and you wait for the inevitable so
you can climb out of bed and try to clean the stains that you already know won’t
go away even with that special miracle working cleaner you’ve tried on the other
stains that already added their own little flair to the carpet that was new
when you moved in less than a year ago.
It’s the kind of day
when the baby starts crying while you’re [not] getting the floor cleaned up and
just as you finish feeding her, she decides to leak through her pajamas onto
your lap and you have another stain to try and get out.
And it’s the kind of day that just after you’ve gotten the
stinky leaky baby all cleaned up in the bath tub, soft and snuggly and smelling
like baby lotion with the top of her head in a mess of crazy curls, she spits
up all over her clean clothes.
Ever had one of those days?
It doesn’t help when it follows so closely on the heels of a
trip to urgent care over the weekend to see what could possibly be wrong with
your sweet, happy little daughter to make her fuss most of the day and spend an
hour in the evening screaming inconsolably like someone was beating her. This
from the one who almost never cries
unless her little tummy is empty or she’s oh so sleepy.
We didn’t solve that mystery. But at least it stopped. And I didn’t take the dog to the vet as I
considered doing…but so far so good. I think maybe I should take both instances
as simply answered prayer and not worry anymore.
This hasn't been the best day I've ever had. But really in my heart of hearts, this little sinner’s heart that
God continues to deal with so patiently, I know it doesn’t take “one of those
days”-or weekends, or weeks, or months-to stir up the ugly side of me. My
kindness, gentleness, patience and forbearance… they haven’t been around all
that much in general lately. That’s what hits me, and humbles me: it’s not my kindness, my patience. It’s the short temper, the annoyance and frustration
and harshness that come naturally to me. All that good stuff I like to think is
just nice-girl me is really Him. All Him. And oh how desperately I need Him.
“Set your minds on things above, not on
earthly things.”
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and
acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
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