Monday, June 18, 2012

this is the day

by Alanna

  This weekend I was blessed to spend in the mountains, with some of my family and friends. We camped near twin lakes, canoed, and hiked a 14er. God was so merciful to us, abundantly above and beyond what I could have imagined. There is a lot of stories from the weekend, a lot of memories made and a lot of things to thank God for. It would be impossible to list them all, but I want to share one thought that God has put on my heart. A few of us were sitting down by the lake, some of us skipping rocks and balancing them to make things. Taking in the view- the tremendous mountains carpeted in green, the waves on the lake, the clouds reflecting the sunset. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it. Each day is brand new. Every day for the past thousands of years, God has made it new. To my knowledge, He doesn't recycle. That particular evening was unlike any other. The wind blew this way and that, the clouds made a myriad of different shapes and the sky was this certain shade of blue. The waves rolled on top of each other, the trees grew, the air chilled. I don't want to forget that every day is a gift, because God created today. Today, God created 96 degree weather, the sun beating down and the sky light blue, but still some small clouds that I can see out the porch door. Today, God sent this huge yellow Monarch butterfly to flutter near the window. God created today. And if God creates each day, I believe that each day matters. Nothing is meant to be just 'gotten through', but rather each day is meant to be offered up in praise to the One who created it. He made us to live today, gave us breath in our lungs. I want to live each day in grateful awe that God creates such beauty anew, and I want to spend the moments of these days worshiping the Creator.

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