Today at the park a little girl swinging on some bars told me rather quietly, "I love being 6." I stopped and looked at her and smiled big. Of course, if you are 6 it is easy to love life. You can fit in small tunnels easily, you can clamber over bars
and run fast and not get tired.
If you are 6 then the whole world is full of new things to be discovered.
One of my little sisters turned 13 today, and she was literally counting down the hours until she became a teenager. I'm sure she would say today, "I love being 13." She is off getting her ears pierced now.
And then I wondered, do I love being 22? And I was reminded of something important- it is the loving of life, the embracing and rejoicing in the place and time God has you- that makes all the difference. I always think that I want to be a kid again. Oh, if I could just turn back the clock and be my 6-year-old self. But I wonder if the reason I crave childhood is because I've lost something from it. I've lost thankfulness and sheer delight in the time God has me in.
We went walking the other night, through Windsor Gardens all lit up beautiful for Christmas. And my boyfriend's mom spoke in Russian and he translated for me- "she says it's like walking through fairyland". And the three of us laughed.
Maybe she was right.
It might not take away the ache in my heart. And I might still cry driving home at night,
missing my son.
But what if we took all these moments and made them beautiful by thanking the Creator and
rejoicing that we get to live in them?
I'd like to feel awe that God gives us such good gifts- this life, this time, this place.
I'd like to delight in it, to dance and sing and rejoice like a child.
I'd like to love being 22.
so true.