Sunday, March 10, 2024

so much grace...

 by Alanna

Thank you Jesus for this gift. For this baby snuggled against me now. For all the time you gave him to grow inside of me. For forming perfectly every part of him. 

Thank you Jesus for his birth. For an easy labor, an easy delivery. For medicine and midwives and a beautiful place for him to enter the world. For my supportive husband and his hand to hold. For music to help my heart worship you in the midst. 

Thank you for a vehicle to bring him home in. For a carseat to keep him safer. For roads to drive on and for a country not at war. Thank you for a house to carry him into. For heat and walls and windows to let in the light. 

Thank you Jesus for his siblings. All six of them eager to welcome him, eager to hold and love. Thank you for his grandparents, who love you and will pray and sing blessings over him in the coming weeks as they give selflessly of themselves to love us.

Thank you for his father, a man I can point him to as a servant leader who loves you and wants your glory. A man who treats us all well and is ever patient with me. A man who will take on more responsibility gladly with the coming of this new one. 

Thank you for forgiving me my doubts, my anxiety. When I failed to trust you, you proved yourself again.

Thank you for giving us another child at the exact time that you did.   

Thank you for entrusting us with another son. I feel keenly how little qualified I am for this tremendous task. My failures replay before me, all the ways I have let them down. But you have cast my sins into the depths of the sea. And the ocean of your grace never casts them back up to reproach me. You are all good. Merciful and abounding in steadfast love to me. 

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