Friday, August 20, 2010

chicken quesadillas

by Alanna

Downstairs in the kitchen right now, there are some dear friends of mine- slicing cheese, mixing garlic powder and butter, and preheating the grill for chicken. This is a process that happens pretty often at my house, so much that I think we have all become quesadilla-making experts. The smell of garlic butter and grilled chicken reminds me of Mary (because she was traditionally a part of this process =), but most of all it reminds me of fellowship. Quesadilla making is nearly always accompanied by something- whether that be praying on a Friday night, or talking about theology or other such topics. Always there is laughter, talking, and fellowship.

I've come to see lately that fellowship is so much more than simply hanging out with other Christians. Fellowship is asking hard questions- finding out what God has been teaching your brother in Christ. Fellowship is exhorting somebody to read the Word. It is being able to ask questions about the Bible, and discuss theology. It is praising God together- worship, prayer, and thanksgiving for even the small things. Fellowship is being able to accept rebuke from a fellow Christian because she knows that what you are doing is not what Christ would have you do.

So often I take fellowship for granted. God showed me that somewhat in Africa last fall, when most of the time I had only Mary as a mutual spiritual encourager. I missed my family in Africa last year. I missed the small body of Christ that He has placed me in here in Colorado. God gives so much grace through other believers! We are truly His tools, if we allow ourselves to be used by Him. We are tools built to encourage and build up each other.

Tonight I'm thankful for fellowship. I'm thankful for best friends, for my family, and for fellow redeemed people to share God's gifts of grace with. I pray that we never take that for granted., and that we never allow fellowship to become nothing more than simply hanging out with other Christians. God is so good to rescue us- and to rescue us not alone, but to make us part of the family of God. All glory to Him!

1 comment:

  1. I never tried a quesadilla until Alanna made them.

    I learn so much about community and fellowship from these nights together.

    I'm thinking of a LOTR quote: "I shan't ever be able to smoke again without thinking of him, and that day, Pippin, when he rode up to Isengard and was so polite.
    "Smoke then, and think of him!' said Aragorn. 'For he was a gentle heart..."

    To God be all glory,
