Friday, December 2, 2011

By Mary

It’s been two years since I held you close and we played together in the sunshine. Two years have gone by since the words “I love you” escaped my lips and had the chance to reach your ears. But not a day has gone by without my heart whispering it across all the miles and all this time that keeps us apart.

I never expected for you to be mine for always. When that dream flashed swiftly through my thoughts, I knew it wasn’t what God had in store for you, for me. But you were mine to treasure each precious minute we spent together, each time you made me bubble over with laughter, floored me with your questions, drove me crazy your disobedience.

And I learned something from the bitterness of leaving you [to this day the hardest thing I’ve ever done]: every moment is a precious gift to treasure for what it is, rather than what it’s not.
So little ones, I’m treasuring today each hard moment away from you-away from my home, my family, my friends. I’m treasuring the moments you spend today with the families God has given to so many of you, treasuring the things He has planned for each of your lives. I’m counting the blessings of times with my husband, time to play with a silly fluffy puppy, time to carry a child inside, opportunity to form new friendships.

I miss you today, like every day. And I’m thankful to have you to miss.

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