Thursday, May 25, 2017

happy birthday

by Alanna

Dear little one,

Happy birthday.
Although five days have passed now since then
I have thought of you each one.
And finally find the time to sit down and write.
To a little boy across the ocean
who is not so little anymore.

On your birthday we had a picnic
with my three babies here.
And they didn't know why I celebrated
but I did.

I celebrate on your birthday
because you are precious.
Because I am so thankful
that God created you.
Because He has done such
tremendous things in your life.
Because he has grown you so well.
I celebrate because of the things
He taught me through you.
And the beautiful way He let me be a part of your story.

In my mind's eye you are still young,
toddling up the dirt path years ago.
You were learning words back then
And I cheered for every one.
Now you are learning bigger things
and I am not around to see them
but I am confident that your family
is cheering you on as you learn and grow.

I hope that your birthday was full of joy.
I hope that you are learning about God
and the tremendous love He has for you.
I pray for you my dear one,
that you would grow strong
and that you would know Jesus
and love Him above all.

I send you all my love always
from across these many miles.
Happy birthday.