Wednesday, May 15, 2013

"Gift of Singleness"

By Mary

I don't know why exactly it's been in my mind so much, this phrase so popular in Christianized circles, "the gift of singleness".

I think it came from 1st Corinthians 7, when Paul talks about marriage and staying single and says "I wish that all were as I myself am. But each has his own gift from God, one of one kind and one of another."

What's funny to me when I hear people talk about it is that they usually view it as a state of mind. Like if you're perfectly content without any romantic attachments, no plans or intense desires to get married, or if your life goals and ambitions might make getting hitched particularly difficult, than you my friend have the gift of singleness.

I guess I just see singleness as a state of being. Either you're single or you're not. And the thing is, if you are, it's a gift. You have the gift of singleness. Even if you don't always and even if you'd kind of like a different gift now, thank you.

I think I got on this train of thought because I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum. It's easy for me sometimes to forget the loneliness of my heart before I had my man...easy to think how simple it was to mostly just have myself to consult in decision making and preferences of lifestyle and a million other random things. It's especially easy in the moments when my heart feels so lonely sitting right next to the person I married. It takes a little reminding that my marriage just as it is--crazy and faulty and beautiful and growing--is a gift. It's what I have from God right at this moment, to be appreciated, enjoyed, and to make the most of it.

I hope that's what we all try to do with our gifts--whatever they are and for however long we get to have them.

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