Thursday, June 28, 2012

crazy, beautiful life

Sometimes life's a little crazy, isn't it? Sometimes I feel like I'm in a dream. Or a tv show. Somethings just seem like they should belong only to actors and directors and scripts, not my life.

I was talking to Alanna about some of the things going on with our friends here. She told me she'd been praying for us to have community here in Maryland, that she guessed the problems and pain and sticky situations come along with that. So true.

It's been messy. But I'm learning boldness and firm love. And how to appreciate the raw reality of life and relationship and the struggle against flesh and sin and the kingdom of God.

And it's started to break up the apathy I've been feeling in my relationship with God. I guess there's nothing like a little bewilderment, helplessness and a bit of desperation to send you seeking closeness with an all powerful God Who is Love.

I'm so thankful that He doesn't hold grudges for the times I let our friendship slide and fail to give Him His due. So thankful He always takes me back.

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