Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Living life on purpose

by Mary

A friend at church asked me what I'd been up to all week. And I couldn't think of a thing to tell her. Maybe its just my lack of memory. I know I've felt busy lately though I don't have a job or go to school every day. But maybe it's a lack of living life purposefully.

God rained purpose on my life when He redeemed me from an eternity of just deserts. My life will never be without reason. But do I live that way, with a goal for each moment, each action? Do I take every thought captive and and inhale each breath to know and serve my Savior and Lord?

Whether in Colorado, North Carolina, or South Africa, yes God is faithful. But He also asks things of us. He has desires, a will, a plan for us wherever we are.

A friend once told me "be content, but don't settle." Don't let life carry you along where it wills like a twig caught in a current. Think and speak and live with intention. Live life on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mary, I just wanted to encourage you that your every-day life has significance even if you can't remember anything of significance that you did. For example: Did you spend time in prayer? "More things are wrought by prayer than this world ever dreamed of."
    Were you faithful in meeting with Jesus in a Quiet Time? Deepening your own relationship with the Lord and being transformed by the renewing of your mind causes you to become more like Christ and therefore shine for Him more brightly in this dark world. Your relationship is so significant to Him that He died on the cross to obtain it.
    Homekeeping and loving your husband are good works that the Bible says helps keep the Word of God from being dishonored. (1Tim 5:10, 14; Titus 2:4,5)
    Keeping up with friendships--those phone calls and letters. Friendships make life blossom for ourselves and others. Love is the greatest gift. Your hands, heart, voice and ears can show God's love to others.
    Perhaps you are living life more "On purpose" than you think.
